What's happening world,
I previously wrote about Glee which made me to think that I recently adopted the Disqus comments system to opt my Google blog comment system. What is Disqus, well in simple words, this is an application u can apply to your blog templates across blogger, Wordpress and Joomla to make it much more savvy for cross posting.. still not convinced?...
Imagine having a reader come across your post but he/she does not have those blog accounts to log in and post a comment apart from being anonymous and posting with an open ID. Disqus has brought apart a system which integrates Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, Open Id and of course Disqus itself for your comments. A person who's current;y on Facebook for instance would be able to post comments using their Facebook ID. It's that simple, but wait, the best part comes next, when they have the option to share their posts on their walls.... pretty helpful I reckon.
I previously was not convinced since it deleted my Google comments but then, u could save and import your comments in their import comment options. It would somewhat que your prior comments but this would not take all day long. And you can moderate the comments on Disqus itself! So it's time get your browsers and start applying it, they have simple steps and helpful tutorials in case ya'all get lost! And please feel free to comment on my posts with this new gadget. It's street yo!
I'd somewhat be writing loads of tech stuffs related to blogging in a moderate way since I'm not a pro, If any of ya'all need help - please feel free to ask, I'd try rectifying it upon my current knowledge
blog tutorial,
blogspot help,
Open Id,
web developer,